Thursday, August 18, 2011

As promised... list of band policies and protocols 2001

I "hand-delivered" four letters to the band council, its head councillor with copies to other councillors, asking for basic information about policies. I asked for the April 1 Tri-Partitite Policing Agreement signed by the band council in 2004. Yes, the April Fool's edition.

Paul Nicholas verbally promised me a copy. When I followed up with a visit to his office, he told me Sonya Gagnier had the only copy readily available; he said his copy was somewhere in a some box. On another visit to follow-up, I was told that Ms. Gagnier had forgotten it but not to worry.

On another visit, I was told to see Patrick Gelinas. He told me all old documents had been put into boxes after the band council moved from its offices in the village of Oka. Mr. Gelinas said I might find the document in one of the many file boxes stacked in the Maintenance Shed. Sheesh!

After six months of trying to get this one document, I wrote a letter to find out what other documents the band council didn't want me or anyone else from the community to read.

I asked for the Operational Protocol for Council and a list of all the "protocols, policies and procedures" that had been passed by the Kanehsatake band council or were pending approval. After two more letter, and two more months, I began to send emails to Paul Nicholas with CC:'s to the Access to Information agent at Indian Affairs in Ottawa. The INAC guy said, in essence, "too bad, so sad, f**k off. Try my counterpart in Montreal. But go back to the band council."

I replied something like: "thanks much, you useless twit. The band council is stupid and unwilling to give me these public documents. You can go back to sleep in your nice job."

But I did what he said.  I sent emails asking for this policy and a list of Kanehsatake's band council policies from INAC's Access to Information Officer in Montreal. He told me essentially the same thing as that other twit in Ottawa. They both told me to go to the band council.  To which I replied something like: "thanks much, you useless twit. The band council is stupid and unwilling to give me these public documents. You can go back to sleep in your nice job."

But something happened. I got a call and with much fanfare and excuses from Sonya Gagnier, along the lines of "well, you know, the chief never returns phone calls or answers letters. It's a big problem around here." Then I finally got the "Operational Protocols for Council" - but still no damn list.

I had to get that leaked to me from some nice person. So "thanks much, you useless twits at the band council. You're all stupid and unwilling to give me public documents as per my rights. You can go back to sleep in your nice jobs."

(correction:  I should have written "useless twits ON the band council" as I didn't want to slag the employees there)

Index of MCK Protocols, Policies & Procedures (2001)

25 – administrative policies / forms / guidelines / procedures
21 – employee regulations and conduct
11 – band council authority & guidelines for budgeting, spending, contracting, as protocols
01 – govern councillors conduct (i.e., ethical conduct / conflict of interest, declarations, pay, required qualifications, discipline / penalties,
02 - uncategorized

Document Title
Nature of Document
Completion Date
Date of Approval
Time sheet
Administrative Instrument for payroll and for controlling use of benefits.
Completed and Revised
Completed 1997,
Revised 1999,
Revised 2000
Guidelines for Timesheets
Guidelines document to explain the use of and how to fill in each area of the time sheet.
To be revised to reflect changes in timesheets
March 1997.
Hiring Slip
Administrative document to provide payroll and personnel information to concerned departments following the hiring of new staff.
Approved May 9, 2000
Interim Salary Scales
Salary tables that provide entry and qualified levels across an array of job types and experience steps.
Revised to include entry levels.
Approved March 1999.
Revision approved by Council May 2000.
Salary Data Forms
Catalogue of specific prerequisites and requirements for all job types within five categories of employment under the MCK
Subject to revision to include new job types and updated prerequisites, language and training requirements.
Approved February 1999.
Salary Classification Form
Administrative instrument used to classify a new employee according to the Data Forms for placement on the Salary Scales for payroll.
Approved February 1999.
Tendering Policy
Policy document that covers the required procedures to be followed to call for a tender for services, depending on the cost of the project to be undertaken.
Approved by Council. Modified following review by DIAND.
Approved April 1998. Revised version Approved March 2000.
Call for Tender Documents
Three types of "Call for Tenders" Documents, depending on the nature of the service required, that could be used as templates to prepare tende rs.
Approved March 2000.
Travel Policy
A policy that regulates and standardizes expenditures and circumstances for travel.
Approved January 26, 1999.
Travel Expense Form
An administrative tool to regulate the filing of the reimbursement of expenses, or the processing of a travel advance.
Completed. Revised as a stand-alone document (not requiring a requisition for payment), and incorporated into the register of commitment.
Approved January 26, 1999. Approved April 2000.
Travel Logging Form
An administrative tool to be used for logging approved travel within the community for reimbursement within a prescribed period of time.
Approved January 26, 1999.
Procurement Management System
An administrative system of purchase orders, service orders, and requisitions for the management of expenditures by departments.
Completed Revised to reflect new chart of accounts, departmental changes and further refinements.
Approved March 1998. Approved March 2000.
Register of Commitment
Decentralized database system for the management of expenditures by departments.
Completed and decentralized to each department April 1999. Revised March 2000.
Approved March 1998. Approved March 2000.
Guide for Procurement Management System
Manual to explain how the database system works, and what the user has to send to finance.
Working document. Current revision in place.
Subject to approval on completion.
Budgeting System
Computerized budgeting methodology using departments, pre-assigned function codes, etc. for the preparation and maintenance of a budget for each MCK program or service.
Completed Revised March 2000.
August, 1997 March 2000.
Budgeting Guidelines
Guidelines from Finance department that itemize the steps to be followed for annual budget preparation,
Completed Subject to revision and incorporation into Financial Planning
March 1999.
Budget Preparation Forms with diskettes
Grid on Excel for the preparation of the Annual Departmental Budgets
Completed Revised March 2000
Approved March, 2000
Revised for January 2001
Attendance Control Program with monthly report to Directors
Computerized Database program for the management of employee attendance, and benefit days.
Lay Off Data Form
An administrative instrument to provide the necessary data to Finance and Personnel to prepare an accurate Record of Employment.
Approved May 9, 2000.
Salary Adjustment Form
An administrative form to be completed for any salary change due to step increase, change of position, change of job title, etc.
Approved May 9, 2000.
Organizational Chart
An overlay of schematics that explain the lines of authority of the MCK operations at different organizational levels.
Drafts completed. Final documents to be completed on approval of drafts.
Awaiting Council approval.
MCK Protocol for Annual Expenditure Planning and Budgeting
Protocol to be developed which will outline how financial planning should become integrated into MCK Operations
In process of completion.

Service Management Policies
A Management Policy for each Service or Program under the MCK which will provide mission statement, goals and objectives, range and scope of services, client eligibility, record keeping and redress procedures.
Format of Guidelines completed. Individual departments to be completed for January 2001.

Data and File Management Policy
A standardized process for the management of all MCK file and data records.
To be completed

Protocol for Management of Band Moneys
A Protocol that will detail how the differing band revenues, and capital monies should be managed.
To be completed for August 30, 2000

Protocol for the Delegation of Authority
A Protocol that explains the details of the delegation of authority to administrators, boards, committees, etc., and the limitations thereof.
Initial draft completed, awaiting feedback on protocol documents.

Lump Sum Payment Form
An administrative form to be completed for the payment of entitlements such as study incentives, language bonuses, under the regular payroll.
Completed subject to revision.

Individual Employee Attendance Control Report
Individual report to each employee indicating the annual balance of his or her benefit days.
Job Descriptions Manual
Job descriptions and pre-  requisites for all positions  under the Mohawk Council.
Completed To be revised to include new job descriptions. To be standardized for common jobs between services.
Approved June 1998.
Terms of Reference for Grievance Committee
A document that explains  the mandate, operation and limitations of the Grievance Committee.
Awaiting Council Approval. Approved by MCK, February 20, 2001
Leave of Absence Policy
Human Resource Management document describing employee entitlement to personal leaves and vacation benefits.
Completed but subject to future revision.
Revised March 2001
Approved Revision July 21, 1998.
Revised edition awaiting council approval.
Reviewed by council  July 25, 2006
Approved July 25, 2006.
Hiring Policy
Human Resource Management document to provide fairness and uniformity to the process of hiring.
Completed and approved.
Revised to reflect changes in organization.
Approved July 21, 1998.
Amended May 9, 2000.
Grievance and Discipline Policy
Human Resource Management Policy to provide an equitable and consistent approach to disciplinary measures, and a process of redress.
Presently revised, second edition subject to legal review before approval by council.
Approved first edition November 1996.
Approved after legal review March 2001
Employee Conduct
Demeanor for Employees contained in Disciplinary Policy
Completed under revision of Grievance and Discipline
After legal review, amended February 20, 2001.
Remuneration policy
Financial and Personnel Policy that justifies administrative procedures related to the payment of salary and benefits.
Amendments required reflecting changes in other policies.
May 9, 2000
Amendment 1 - approved March 2001.
Performance Evaluation Tool
Tool to be used for Employee Evaluations as per Performance Evaluation Policy.
Completed and Approved by Council.
Revised March 2001
Approved March 1999.
Awaiting Council approval
Summary Form of Employee Performance Evaluation
Confidential document to report completion of employee evaluation to Director of Personnel for files.
Approved March 1999
Employee Performance Evaluation Policy
Policy to provide for the annual evaluation of all MCK employees that is tied to Step increase under Remuneration Policy. Document also provides for timely evaluations for probation, transfers, temporary replacements, etc.
Completed and Approved by Council
Subject to future revision to reflect recommendations following implementation of annual evaluations.
Revision completed March 2001.
Original Approved March 1999.
Revised evaluation policy and workbook awaiting council approval.
Human Resource Training and Development Policy
Human Resource Management Policy to provide for the training of employees according to a predetermined MCK Human Resource Development Plan.
Approved May 9, 2000.
Language Evaluation Tool
Tool for evaluating the level of Mohawk language proficiency.
Awaiting Council approval
Compensation Benefits Policy
A policy regarding the use, circumstance and payment of extra hours or other benefits for employees
Completed January, 2001
Awaiting Council Approval
Workplace Intervention Policy
A policy document regarding various interventions that may be required in the workplace for sexual harassment, emotional or physical harassment, violence, conflict resolution, etc.
Tabled for now.

Policy for Drug Testing
A policy regarding the use of drug testing and employee support programs.
Committee formed to follow-up presentation by CAN-AMM to the Directors Committee

Employee Profile
Administrative Tool to profile the annual training objectives completed and planned for each employee.
Currently under development

Training Evaluation
A standard evaluation form to be completed by each employee after receiving training or attending a workshop.
Currently under development

MCK Protocol for Disclosure and Access to Information Guidelines
A Protocol that will detail which levels of information should be accessible to the general public, and the responsibilities of Council in that regard.
Protocol To be completed Access to Information Guidelines Completed January 2001
Awaiting Council Approval
Terms of Reference for the Konwatsenhaien:ni Committee
A document that explains the operation, mandate and limitations of the Directors' Committee.
Approved in principle August 1999.
Terms of Reference for the Advisory Committee
A document that explains the operation, mandate and limitations of the Advisory Committee.
Approved on January 26, 1999
Terms of Reference for Housing Committee
A document that explains the selection and mandate of the Housing Committee members.
Completed March 1999
To be approved by MCK
Terms of Reference Kanesatake Mohawk Board of Education
Terms of Reference explaining the mandate for a transitional board of education to establish a permanent board. The local community parents will ratify the governance documents for the permanent board at the end of this mandate.
Completed and ratified by parent workshop in January 2001.
103 further household contacts in May 2001, before the election of the KMBE.
Approved by Council January 23, 2001.
Terms of Reference and Mandate for Early Childhood Center
A document that explains the operation, mandate and limitations of a parent committee for the Early Childhood Center.
Completed April 1998.
To be taken to parents for approval.
Policy for the Review of MCK Policies
A policy document that will provide for the periodic review and amendment of MCK policies.
To be completed

Protocol for the Administration of Justice
To be elaborated as part of the overall Protocol Manual for Council.
To be completed

Protocol for the Enactment of by-laws
To be elaborated as part of the overall Protocol Manual for Council.
To be completed

Protocol for the Management of all Community Lands and Resources
To be elaborated
To be completed.

Strategic Planning
A proposal to conduct a strategic planning session to develop a five- year plan with an accompanying Business Plan
Delayed Starting

Kanesatake Charter
A key governance document that will establish the powers and authorities invested by the community for the administration of community matters.
To be completed.

Operational Protocol for Council
Operational guidelines for all aspects of Council operations including meetings, roles and responsibilities, transparency, and conflict of interest.
Approval by Council on trial basis, and subject to Community Ratification
Approved April 1999 in principle.
Awaiting further Council approval for community ratification process as governance document.
Electoral Code
A document that defines the process and procedures to be followed for the selection of community leadership.
Completed, to be revised
Adopted in principle in 1992
Membership Code
Document that defines the eligibility requirements for community membership.
Completed, pending community ratification

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